Sunday, 21 February 2016

Report and Reflection 6- Collaborative Notes and Documents

(2012, May 14). Evernote [Online Image]

This week we explored Evernote and its capabilities. I personally had never heard of Evernote, but after learning about it and trying it out it seems like a very useful digital tool. I have heard of One Note, which is a similar service but I was unfamiliar with Evernote, so I was initially intrigued.  “Evernote is a cross-platform app that serves many purposes—it can be your digital file cabinet, note-taking tool, daily journal, task or project management system, recipe-keeper, and more.” (Pinola, 2012) Evernote allows you to integrate so many things into one place. Terry (2012) states a number of different things that Evernote can be used for, such as storing your work schedule, bookmarks, blog posts, ebooks, brainstorming notes and more. It allows you to save web pages and send emails, tweets, and more to your account. It is a way for someone to keep things organized. It is perfect for storing any physical information, like school notes for example and digitizing them. These notes would then be backed up and added to the cloud. What makes this feature so useful is that the same Evernote account can be accessed on multiple devices. This can be very useful is someone wanted to view their notes on their phone while on the go. 

Evernote could definitely be added to just about anyone’s PLE since it is such a diverse application. There are many ways that someone could use Evernote. One could use it as a social tool, an educational tool or even for your job. For example someone could use it for typing notes for class and keeping them stored and organized online. Someone could also use it socially as a journal, or for blogging. One could also use it as a way to organize things at their work, if they had an office job for example. For students I believe the main use of Evernote would be your notetaking and keeping your notes for all your classes organized and in one place. If I were to use Evernote this would be what I would use it for, so it would fall under the educational side of my PLE. However since I have less than two months left of school before I graduate, I will probably just stick with the current methods of notetaking I have now. However Evernote may be a useful tool to keep myself organized when I am working after school, so I will keep it in mind.

This week on Feedly, I read an educational related article titled “Should you get a Master’s Degree?” which talked about whether or not it is worth it to get one. The article weighs a number a factors in deciding whether it is worth it. For example one’s age plays a role is whether or not to get one, and the field that the person is going into. Having a master’s degree effects the income earned from each field differently so sufficient research on the field you are looking to get into is needed. This article was an interesting read for me since I am graduating soon and it I gave me a number of pros and cons to weigh.

(2014, July 14). Masters Degree [Online Image] Retrieved from
That’s all for this week, talk to you next week!


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